Tuesday 13 January 2009

Correction "The struggle for beauty"

In this essay I want to discuss „The Struggle for Beauty“, because in our time a lot of people struggle for beauty. There are a lot of positive and negative aspects, which I want to explain now.

At first I want to discuss the negative aspects of making use of any means available to keep or achieve beauty. Everybody knows that it can harm your body extremely. You can get scars because somebody did a botched plastic surgery. As resolution there can be psychological problems because of this body distortion. These psychological problems arise from the society, because when you look different then the majority then you are not respected from them. Nowadays everything can be modified and this isn’t cheap. Some people only want to look good, that other people envy them, but often they don’t have the money for all this. The image of perfection is created by the commercials, so in our society it is a competition to aspire for this perfection.

In contrast, the struggle for beauty has also advantages. For the society it is really important to be accepted and integrated and they get this by aspire this perfection. When people are accepted in the society, the self-confidence grows. It matters a lot for people to have a good self-confidence, because then they have reliability and they are more relaxed. The previously mentioned disadvantage that people get blemishes and scars because of a botched plastic surgery is not a good argument, because nowadays such disfigures can be removed. The struggle for beauty is also important when somebody earn his money with his appearance. The appearance of somebody means also success, because in our time it is also an assumption when you apply for a job.

My own attitude to this is separated. Because on the on hand when you had an accident and are disfigured then it is okay when you have an plastic surgery and struggle for beauty, but on the other hand there is a big risk and this risk isn’t worth it. You should not destroy yourself, because everybody is a unique and this is good.
To conclude, people shouldn’t exaggerate with the struggle of beauty because it’s not necessary.

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