Friday 22 February 2008


Violence in movies

Nowadays there is a lot of debate if there should be a ban on violence movies, because some people think that there are contributes to violence in our society. We are every day confronted with violence so who decides on what gets banned? What are the criteria?

First of all such films aren’t realistic but teenagers want to do all these things because that is the age at which a person doesn’t know what is good or bad for life. But non-violent films are successful, too, actually more successful. The important argument pro the ban is that teenagers can be easily influenced by violent movies and otherwise it's hard to decide what should be cut or not, because there are people who want to watch such violent films.

So in contrast there are good arguments against a ban on violent movies. The majority of people don’t get violent, and the people who does, have more problems than watching violent films. The most scenes in the films are so unrealistic that a normal person wouldn’t copy it. Those who are influenced by movies are not very smart. There are cases of young criminals who might have been influenced, but I think those people's parents are responsible for the way they turned out. But, as usual, when something goes wrong it's easier just to point the finger on someone else. It belongs to parents, to teach children which things are good and which are bad. Eventually we don’t turn into a non-violent society just we don’t show violence movies, precisely because there is also violence in the news, radio or in the own life.

In my opinion such a ban is a total crap. Only when you watch a violent film you don’t get influenced. I also like to watch such movies and I never would do similar things. People have to take responsibility for their own actions.

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