Tuesday 13 May 2008

Correction of the essay

Nowadays violence and violence in media is a heatedly discussed topic. In today’s society behaviour and violence are not uncommon in many families, schools and in the media. So how can we stop violence? And why is there so much violence in our society?

First of all I want to analyse the opinion of Michael Medved. He claims that violence is just harmless entertainment on TV, so I agree with him in that point, because it doesn’t influence everybody, but it influences somebody. For example a scene of a film happened afterwards, or a commercial also influences people but only for a few seconds. In addition Medved thinks that the movies show the viewers what they want and I think that is right because the reality is not so violent like some movies, and on the one hand I agree with him, but on the other hand I disagree. If you don’t want to watch such violent films, then you don’t have to, that is right, but young children don’t know what is right for them and only want to watch it due to the fact that it’s forbidden. So it should be illegal for kids to watch such films, because they foster their behaviour in the future.

I personally believe there are various seasons for the violence in this world. To start with, there are 3 reasons that are frequently mentioned, namely we learned it, we are born with it and we turn violent because of frustration. I think it’s self-evident that there’s a grain of truth in each theory. In addition I think it’s the result of stupidity. Violence is frequently caused by negative emotions like hatred.

To sum up, as I’ve tried to show in my essay there are various factors that contribute to the violence in the world. We have to find proposals to reduce the violence among children. I think we have to introduce stricter measures and punishment. Violent movies should only be shown after 10 pm, when the kids sleep. Because of the theory that violence is an instinct, we can find harmless ways of acting out the violence, such as sports competitions.

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