Monday 2 February 2009


Mayer Kim
Stadtstr. 26
6228 - Innsbruck

Mr. George Gilhooley
XYZ Company
87 Delaware Road
Hatfield, CA 08065
(909) 999 – 9999

Dear Mr. Gilhooley

Application for the policewoman position

I am writing to apply for the policewoman position advertised on your homepage. As requested I am enclosing a completed job application, my certification, my resume and two references.
The opportunity presented in this listing and I believe that my ability of teamwork and my athleticism will make me a very competitive candidate for this position. The key strengths that I possess for success in this position include:

* I have general qualification for university entrance
* I strive for continued excellence
* I have done the ECDL, so I have a good understanding for the Computer.
* I like to go on my limits and I am a very disciplined worker
* I’m owner of the driving licence

Please see my resume for additional information on my experience.

I can be reach everyday at 5 o’clock pm via my cell phone, 123 333 221. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to speaking with you about this employment opportunity.

Kim Mayer

Encl.: CV, References,…

Sunday 1 February 2009

Group 1: What kind of lessons does Furious Styles teach his son Tre?
Do they guarantee a better life?

-> Show respect (3 rules)
1.) Be a leader and don’t be led by others
2.) Never ask someone for help, because you should be self-reliance -> stealing isn’t necessary
3.) Don’t respect anybody who don’t respect you

Black and white persons have different aims -> so Tre should not go in the army, because it’s a white army

-> What a real man is
• real men are allowed to have kids
• trying to be responsible
• take care on children, family, job
• you have to know your problem and not these from the other ones (Ricky: shooting)
-> better think at your future
• structure life
• leader (leadership)

• work is not dirty- it is important (have to be done in society)
• black/white: respect soldiers; brotherhood (not hate black people, you should understand them)
• not only put your dick in women -> there is more than that

In our opinion, the rules of Furious Styles do guarantee a better life. Not for nothing he is one of the few survivors. It was absolutely right, to went out of the car and let adjust Ricky’s brother the situation on himself. It was his problem- not the problem of Tre

Tuesday 13 January 2009

Correction "The struggle for beauty"

In this essay I want to discuss „The Struggle for Beauty“, because in our time a lot of people struggle for beauty. There are a lot of positive and negative aspects, which I want to explain now.

At first I want to discuss the negative aspects of making use of any means available to keep or achieve beauty. Everybody knows that it can harm your body extremely. You can get scars because somebody did a botched plastic surgery. As resolution there can be psychological problems because of this body distortion. These psychological problems arise from the society, because when you look different then the majority then you are not respected from them. Nowadays everything can be modified and this isn’t cheap. Some people only want to look good, that other people envy them, but often they don’t have the money for all this. The image of perfection is created by the commercials, so in our society it is a competition to aspire for this perfection.

In contrast, the struggle for beauty has also advantages. For the society it is really important to be accepted and integrated and they get this by aspire this perfection. When people are accepted in the society, the self-confidence grows. It matters a lot for people to have a good self-confidence, because then they have reliability and they are more relaxed. The previously mentioned disadvantage that people get blemishes and scars because of a botched plastic surgery is not a good argument, because nowadays such disfigures can be removed. The struggle for beauty is also important when somebody earn his money with his appearance. The appearance of somebody means also success, because in our time it is also an assumption when you apply for a job.

My own attitude to this is separated. Because on the on hand when you had an accident and are disfigured then it is okay when you have an plastic surgery and struggle for beauty, but on the other hand there is a big risk and this risk isn’t worth it. You should not destroy yourself, because everybody is a unique and this is good.
To conclude, people shouldn’t exaggerate with the struggle of beauty because it’s not necessary.

Sunday 7 December 2008

Social pressure and beauty for teens

• Fashion labels concerns get rich (good for business)
• Everybody is looking for themselves (hygiene, fashion…)
• Boots self- confidence
• Beauty is success in our society, so why shouldn’t people make them beauty?
• Because of the high demand, there is more work for people
• We live in a free country, so everyone should be allowed to do with
his/her body whatever he/she likes

• Social pressure because it’s not their own wish
• It’s a big risk to undergo surgery
• Addiction
• Teens haven’t finish their growth, so their body still changes
• You don’t get addicted, if you don’t look good
• A lot of teens buy more clothes than they have money
• Maybe they change their opinion, when they’re older, so it’s not good to
change your body in this age
• Teenagers get influenced by advertisements

Additional thoughts:
• Personality is changing
• Will there always be the same beauty ideal?
• Will the surgery age go down?
• Will beauty be the most important thing in life?
• Is beauty really in the eye of the beholder?
• If you want to do that you do it, no matter if your mother also had a
plastic surgery or not.
• Teenagers exaggerate with the beauty ideals

Friday 5 December 2008

Letter of complaint

Kim Parker
Kingston Road 98
900-961 Los Angeles

4th December 2008

BBC Complaints
PO Box 1922
G2 3WT


Letter of complaint

I’m writing to you because the way how women are presented in your advertisements is really discriminatory. Since the last few weeks I noticed that such discriminatory advertisements are more often. In general advertisements are really manipulative and so I think young people are under a big pressure, mainly young girls, because of the image which is presented of women in this advertisement. They have all a perfect body with no blemishes, and girls who see that also want to be like these flawless girls in the TV. It is also a problem that women are in the spot often naked but men aren’t. This image is not what I expect that should be shown in the commercials. I know that you can’t forbid making such commercials, but you can stop to show it on your television transmitter. That would be a beginning of a change to make the world better. Because young people have a big dream, they want to be perfect, but this is an illusion, and we should start to change this dream.
To sum up I hope you take this letter seriously, because for me it is a big request that women should not presented with this image in your advertise. Women are more than only sex symbols and I also hope that you have the same view.

Yours sincerely,

Friday 21 November 2008


Everyone comes to a specific point in life, where he has to make the decision, country or city. It is difficult to say, where it is better to life, because everyone prefer something different. So I want to discuss this two different ways of living in this essay.

The fact that the life in a city is easier is really reasonable. In a city you live nearby everything you need for living. You will hardly ever have to drive to any location due to the fact that the supermarket or other important stores are right around the corner. Also the night life is much more agitating than in the country and moreover you have more options where you can spend your free time. But there are also disadvantages. The city contains much more crime and violence. There is still crime in the country, but it is more likely in the city due to the wide variety of people. In addition the car traffic is horrible, so the pollution is very high and consequently the air is very stuffy. Due to the high car traffic in the city is a substantial noise the whole day and so some people get really stressed.

In the country it is absolutely different. The air is fresh and it is really silent. You feel much more secure when you walk in the night from one house to another because you already know everyone in your neighbourhood. Nevertheless there are some negative aspects. I think for young people the country life is too boring. Although there is public transport in the country to get to the next city, but the bus connections are awesome. So when you live in the country you must have a car, because the next supermarket can be by car 10 minutes away.

So all in all, when you love the simple life and the nature, the country would be the best for your lifestyle. However, for those who enjoy the exciting night life and other entertainment options, then the city life might be more beneficial. I think it is also addicted with the age of the people, where they want to live. In my opinion young people prefer the city life and elder people the country life.

Friday 24 October 2008

My style

At First I want to say that I haven’t a specific style and I do not belong to a youth group. My style is really normal and simple. So I wear jeans and T-shirts, things that are very comfortable. I like colourful clothes because I’m a happy person and so I express how I feel. I have a specific personality and some people do not understand how I am, but I enjoy my life and do everything what I want to do. The behaviour in society is important for me and so I look that I have a good style that match also with my personality. I adore shoes. I think shoes express a lot about the complete style of a person and so they are important for me and when I buy shoes I look very precisely. But I don’t wear high heels I only wear sneakers and in the summer I wear flip flops, just suitable shoes.
I don’t listen to a particular kind of music, because my music type is really outspread. Currently I listen more hip hop, but not the mainstream hip hop, because I don’t like that. For example I listen “Snowgoons”, “Cali Agents”, “K-OS”, “Talib Kweli” and a lot of more. Music is a big part of my life and it prettifies me every day. Without music my life would be not as great as it is.
I don’t have a big outlook of my life. Now my priority is to have a good graduation that I have a secure future. For future I hope I will always have such good friends which I have at this moment and I hope always that my life will never be boring and brings me every day something new.
Everybody becomes influenced by others every day. I think that music has big influence of me but the biggest influence has my friends and family. For me it is important that nobody gets to much influence by others. It is important that everybody keeps his own style and is own personality because we should all differ from each other.