Friday 21 November 2008


Everyone comes to a specific point in life, where he has to make the decision, country or city. It is difficult to say, where it is better to life, because everyone prefer something different. So I want to discuss this two different ways of living in this essay.

The fact that the life in a city is easier is really reasonable. In a city you live nearby everything you need for living. You will hardly ever have to drive to any location due to the fact that the supermarket or other important stores are right around the corner. Also the night life is much more agitating than in the country and moreover you have more options where you can spend your free time. But there are also disadvantages. The city contains much more crime and violence. There is still crime in the country, but it is more likely in the city due to the wide variety of people. In addition the car traffic is horrible, so the pollution is very high and consequently the air is very stuffy. Due to the high car traffic in the city is a substantial noise the whole day and so some people get really stressed.

In the country it is absolutely different. The air is fresh and it is really silent. You feel much more secure when you walk in the night from one house to another because you already know everyone in your neighbourhood. Nevertheless there are some negative aspects. I think for young people the country life is too boring. Although there is public transport in the country to get to the next city, but the bus connections are awesome. So when you live in the country you must have a car, because the next supermarket can be by car 10 minutes away.

So all in all, when you love the simple life and the nature, the country would be the best for your lifestyle. However, for those who enjoy the exciting night life and other entertainment options, then the city life might be more beneficial. I think it is also addicted with the age of the people, where they want to live. In my opinion young people prefer the city life and elder people the country life.

1 comment:

Guenter said...

expression: "Everyone comes to a specific point in life" (literal translation); "reasonable" = vernünftig; agitating = (agitate) to make someone feel anxious and not calm; "still" = immer noch; "high car traffic" --> heavy, congested; "Due to the high car traffic in the city is a substantial noise the whole day and so some people get really stressed. " C??; "Although there is public transport in the country to get to the next city, but the bus connections are awesome. " (str, "awesome" = great); "I think it is also addicted with the age of the people, where they want to live." C??

spelling: life / live;

grammar: these aspects (this aspect);

The structure is ok but you never tell us about your choice. You also use quite a few appropriate link words.
There are some grave vocabulary problems. When you pick words from a dictionary, you should make sure you know how to use them. I get the impression, your use of the dictionary only leads to mistakes.